5 Signs Your Pool Needs Remodeling | Beach’n Pools

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5 Signs Your Swimming Pool Could Benefit from a Remodel

Swimming pools can provide endless hours of fun for your family. They’re an escape from the Texas heat in the middle of summer, a place to relax at the end of a long day, and a place to gather with friends. But like any other part of your property, a pool can begin to show signs of age over time. Of course, regular maintenance can keep your pool in good shape for years; eventually, however, it’s going to be time for swimming pool remodeling in Katy, TX. How do you know when that time has arrived? Keep reading to learn 5 key signs to watch for.

Visible Signs of Wear and Tear

When your pool has aged to the point that there is visible damage, it’s likely time for a remodel. One of the most common things you’ll see in an aging pool is cracking and leaking. Cracks on the pool’s surface or in the tiles can indicate structural issues that could lead to more significant problems (like leaking) if they’re not addressed. While repairs can patch up cracks, if they continue to occur, it’s likely a better option to just remodel the pool entirely.

Another common, visible sign of wear and tear is fading and discoloration. This is particularly prevalent in fiberglass pools, though gunite pools are not immune to it. Not only does this fading make your pool less attractive, but it is also an indicator of deterioration in the materials, and will likely require a more extensive remodel to fix it.

Outdated Features and Design

Like any technology, pool tech has advanced over the years, which means older pools’ systems will lag behind in terms of energy efficiency and user experience. If your pool still has outdated pumps, heaters, or filtration systems, then you will likely want to at least replace the equipment, if not remodel the pool entirely.

Of course, functionality isn’t the only thing that can get outdated. Styles change over time, and what may have once been a trendy pool can now look outdated, making your entire backyard space look a little bit older as well. If you simply no longer find your pool’s design aesthetically appealing, this is still a perfectly valid reason for an upgrade.

Safety Concerns

A swimming pool is always a concern for homeowners, especially those who have young children. However, there are many things that you can do to improve the safety of your pool area—but most older pools don’t have them. A pool remodel for the sake of safety is always a good idea, and may include installing features like railing, ladders, and non-slip surfaces for easier movement in and out of the pool.

To make the pool safer for children, improved fencing around your pool area with a locking gate can prevent unsupervised access. Hard, automatic pool covers can also keep the water completely inaccessible unless the pool is opened up by an adult. All of these safety elements can prevent a tragedy and, ultimately, would be well worth the cost of a remodel.

pool remodel katy texas

Increased Maintenance Requirements

As pool equipment breaks down, you’ll likely find yourself constantly dealing with repairs. This can include issues with the pumps, heater, filter, and other mechanical equipment, or can include damage to the pool, like cracks and leaks, as we mentioned above. All of these issues require maintenance and repairs, so if they’re recurring problems, it’s likely a sign that your money would be better spent on a remodel, instead of constantly patching up a failing system.

Additionally, your regular pool maintenance tasks—mainly balancing the chemicals in your pool—will become more difficult as your pool ages. Older pools are less efficient at maintaining the correct chemical balance, leading to higher usage of chlorine and other chemicals. This not only increases maintenance costs but can also make swimming less pleasant. Upgrading to a modern filtration system and resurfacing the pool can help maintain a more stable and healthier pool environment while also decreasing the costs of maintaining your pool.

Desire for New Features

Your pool doesn’t necessarily have to be outdated, dangerous, or damaged to need a remodel. Sometimes, the remodel is just about you loving your pool area. A new design can help your pool become a beautiful visual fixture in your backyard, in addition to a fun area. Modern pool features can also significantly improve your experience with your pool. Features like a spa, a waterfall, or an integrated sound system can transform your backyard into a personal oasis. Adding LED lighting can create a stunning visual effect, making night swims more enjoyable and adding to the overall ambiance.

Your pool should also reflect your current lifestyle and needs—and those needs can change over time. As families grow and change, so do their requirements for their pool. Adding a shallow wading area for young children, a lap lane for exercise, or an outdoor kitchen area for entertaining can make your pool more functional and enjoyable for everyone.

Contact Us for a Pool Remodel

Remodeling your pool can be done for any number of reasons. Whether your pool has visible wear and tear, has an outdated design, or presents safety concerns on your property, a remodel can help to address these issues while also improving the pool’s appearance and reducing your pool maintenance costs.

If you’re finding that your pool just isn’t bringing you the joy it used to, contact Beach’n Pools today. We’ll sit down with you to come up with a design for your swimming pool renovation in Katy, TX, that addresses all of your concerns so you can enjoy your pool area like you used to. Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced and professional pool designers, and let’s get started on creating the ideal pool design for your backyard.

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