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How Long Does It Take to Build a Custom Pool in Katy, TX?

May 11, 2024 Solutions Digital Comments Off

If you’ve been considering putting in a custom pool in your backyard, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the process for swimming pool construction in Katy, TX. Knowing the various steps that go into designing and building a new pool, as well as the amount of time each step takes, can help you to effectively plan around the construction process and manage your overall expectations about when your pool will be ready. Keep reading to learn more about the process of building a custom pool and what kind of timeline you can expect.

Step 1: Design

Designing your custom pool is probably the most fun and exciting part of the job—for you and for us! This is when you will sit down with our designer to discuss your overall vision for your swimming pool. It’s important to have an idea of what you want included in your pool, though you don’t have to have a complete picture in mind. Generally, you should be able to tell your designer just how much of your backyard you want to use for the pool, what kinds of features you want built into the pool (wading areas, water features, attached spa, etc.), and exactly how you plan to use the pool once it’s built.

This information will give the designer a good starting place to start making design suggestions. You should also have numerous photos of your current backyard space, so we can work on envisioning that pool in the space itself. We’ll work with you to put your design into our software and create a 3D rendering of what your backyard might look like once your pool is built.

While the initial design can sometimes be done in a single session, most people will want to make some tweaks and adjustments before fully committing to the design we’ve created. So, you may want to plan for the entire design process to take a few days.

Step 2: Layout

Now it’s time to officially get down to the business of installing your pool! Our team will visit your home and walk the backyard space, marking the areas for excavation and pool installation. This step is usually done the day before excavation begins, and it only takes a couple of hours. If you have any questions or last-minute changes you want to make, a project manager should be on-site to answer those questions and make those changes for you. As the spray paint goes down and you can see for yourself where the pool is going to be, you can truly begin to visualize your future backyard space!

Step 3: Excavation

The day after the layout process is finished, we’ll begin excavating your pool. This is usually completed in just a single day, depending on your pool size and the ground conditions. There’s really not much to explain about this step; we just dig a hole and haul the dirt away! You should expect a lot of noise and activity in your backyard on this day, with large equipment moving through the area, so we strongly recommend that you stay well away from the construction area, and keep small children and pets inside your home.

Step 4: Steel

Once the hole is dug, it’s time to lay the steel form for your pool. These steel bars act as the “skeleton” of your pool, supporting and reinforcing the concrete that we’ll be pouring later. The steel is laid out in a grid shape to ensure the concrete has all the strength and integrity it needs to last you for many years, so you can make endless summer memories in your pool. Depending on the size and complexity of your pool, this step can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.

pool before and after construction

Step 5: Plumbing

Without plumbing, your pool is just a water-filled hole in the ground, and will quickly fall prey to algae and other filth that will make your pool unusable. So, after the steel is installed, we’ll lay down the pipes for your pool’s plumbing. This includes installing main drains, skimmers, the return line, and more. Every pool will have a different design for its plumbing, just as the design will be unique in appearance. We’ll lay the pipes in a manner that fits your pool’s exact needs for water flow and filtration, so the water stays sparkling clean.

Step 6: Electrical

Those pipes won’t do much without power to pump water through them! Once the piping is in, we’ll do the electrical work that will allow the equipment to run. We’ll also install electrical components to operate lights and water features, and run gas lines to the pool heater so that your spa can heat up for a warm, relaxing time, and you can continue using your pool when the temperatures drop in fall.

Step 7: Gunite

This is the step where your pool really starts looking like a pool. With all of the framing and underground work complete, we can now add the gunite to form your pool’s walls and floor. Gunite is a mixture of sand and cement, and is applied to your steel frame using a pressurized hose. While one team member uses the hose to spray the gunite onto the pool’s surfaces, the rest of our installation team works to smooth out the surfaces and create nice, clean lines for a beautiful finish.

Step 8: Tile and Coping

Once the gunite is dry, it’s time to apply the finishing materials. You should have discussed your design options with our pool designer, and selected tiles, coping, and any other final details you wanted added to your pool. We will apply your chosen tiles in the pattern you selected, creating the beautiful pool you had envisioned.

Step 9: Decking

Your pool is nearly ready! Now, we’ll work on the area around your pool, installing the decking and any other design features that will surround the space. We offer a great deal of decking options, which your designer should have gone over with you, so our team can work quickly and efficiently to bring your vision for the deck to life.

Step 10: Plaster

The final part of the pool’s installation is applying the finishing plaster. This seals the pool and gives it its final look. Once the plaster dries, you’ll be ready to fill the pool, power up your equipment, and start swimming!

Depending on your pool’s design and complexity, the entire process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. We encourage you to speak with our custom pool builder in Katy, TX, to discuss your individual needs and the timeline you can expect to see for your pool’s installation.